Tuesday, July 20, 2010

If Movie Titles Were Honest: Dances with Wolves Edition

White Man: The Superior Indian 

My friend Amy, who is the best internet browser in the history of the world, sent over this movie poster after my Dances with Wolves post last week. I love it. The whole slide show is pretty creative and entertaining.

Can anyone think of any other "honest" movie titles for movies about Indians?

Last of the Mohicans (I finally saw that one too!): Lots of Blood and Gore but Who Cares I'm Looking at Eric Schweig?

The New World: Waving Grass and Rushing Water But No Plot or Dialogue?

Leave more ideas in the comments!

Cracked.com "If Movie Titles Were Honest Photoshop Contest": http://www.cracked.com/photoshop_130_if-movie-titles-were-honest_p30#30

(Thanks Amy!)