Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Native Bloggers Panel at NAISA 2011: I need your help!

This Friday I'll be flying back out to Sacramento to participate in the 2011 Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Conference, I'm sitting on a panel with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe, who writes Beyond Buckskin, and Dr. Lara Evans who writes Not Artomatic. (Can't wait until I can write Dr. Adrienne K...only 3-5 more years, ha.)

Here's our panel description:
Native Blogging
Native writers, scholars, artists and activists are using a new venue to confront issues affecting our daily lives. Through blogs on appropriation, art, fashion, and education, these critics use their blogs to push the Native voice to the forefront and take institutions to task. By investigating the interstices between Native cultures, stereotypes, mass media, and academia, these authors make their research and observations accessible to a broader audience. They also cover holes in commercial/academic publishing and deal with issues at a faster pace than the timeline that it takes to publish a book, or even an academic article. Both Native and non-Native readers subscribe to these blogs and participate in a discussion that involves thinking critically about various topics that affect our daily lives, yet also have larger repercussions.
If you're at the conference, definitely shoot me an email or tweet, I'd love to meet some of you! Our panel is slated for 8:00-9:45am on Saturday the 21st.

Now here's the part where I unabashedly ask for your help and bribe you:

I decided tonight that I would really like to incorporate some reader quotes or thoughts into the presentation, so if you've got a second, feel free to comment any thoughts about Native Appropriations, how you might have used it in school, or life, or wherever, your favorite posts, the ones that pissed you off the most, how you'd like the blog to improve, what you ate for breakfast, anything really--I just would like some more voices than my own in the presentation.

...and there's a PRIZE! I'll randomly select a commenter to win an Ours To Build On t-shirt (an awesome campaign I'm helping out with for the Cherokee Nation, and they sent me a bunch of fun goodies). Or maybe I'll pick an anecdote I like best. Or maybe only one person will comment and you'll get a shirt! omg! how fun!

Thanks in advance for your help and thoughts, this blog would be nowhere without you!

Also, you've got 3 days. Think fast. :)