Friday, December 10, 2010

Programming Notes

(The Indian Head test card, a symbol of programming breaks, AND an appropriation. Clever, right?)

Hi Friends,
It's finals time at school, which means, of course, I've putting extra time into the blog (procrastination!). I realized I've been making subtle updates to Native Appropriations over the last few months, but hadn't really I thought I'd let y'all know:
  • I bought the domain name! For now, it just auto-redirects to the blogspot address, but it leaves the door open for the future, and makes it easier for you to tell your friends, neighbors, colleagues, and random hipsters on the street about Native Appropriations. So update your bookmarks, and share away!
  • Subscribing by email: If you look over to the right side of the page, there's a little box that says "subscribe via email". If you put in your email address, feedburner will deliver an email every time the blog gets updated. Since I sometimes get sporadic with the posts, it's a way to guarantee you'll never miss anything. I post (at most) once a day, so it's not like you'll be getting 8 gazillion emails, and you can always unsubscribe via a quick link on the bottom of the email.
  • Other ways to engage with the blog: For those of you who haven't checked out the Native Appropriations Facebook Page yet, I recommend it. Fans post some great links and images, and I sometimes post articles and links over there between posts. There is also a Native Appropriations twitter account, if you're into that. 
  • Changes on the Way: I go on winter break in 5 days (yay!), and over the break am planning on pulling together some improvements, such as a form for easier submissions, going through my major backlog of awesome tips (thank you so much for sending them), maybe some t-shirt designs (any ideas?), and a big ongoing project that will involve a lot of reader help. I'll keep you posted.
As always, any advice, feedback, submissions, suggestions, ect are always welcome! (might be making a new email too...)