Friday, May 28, 2010

Random Appropriation of the Day! ("Spirit Guides" Tomahawk)

Feast your eyes upon the "Spirit Guides Native American Style Tomahawk Replica" from a company called "Collectibles Today." In case its use was unclear, it's a wall hanging. duh. Besides the obvious stereotypes--tomahawk, wolves, feathers, beading, connection to the mystical, etc, you MUST read the description:
Be guided by the wolf's commanding spirit and remarkable courage with this awe-inspiring sculptural collectible Native American style tomahawk replica. This magnificent wall display combines a rich tradition and wolf artistry. Just look at the custom piercing on the sculpted blade as it creates the image of a majestic wolf howling at the moon on a starlit night.
Celebrate a creature of mystery and great power with this striking handcrafted limited-edition Native American style tomahawk replica, available exclusively from The Hamilton Collection. This tomahawk replica boasts wolf art "carvings" of a pack of wolves on the handle, and is decorated with real feathers, leather cording, "beadwork" and simulated turquoise. Makes unique wall decor and it's a fantastic wolf art gift. Heavy demand is expected, and you won't want to miss out. Order now!
Wow. Just one question: what is "wolf artistry?" I didn't know wolves could sculpt!

This beauty can be yours for the low, low price of only one payment of $39.95 (+$7.99 shipping and handling). It says heavy demand is expected, so you better get on it.

Also, my friend Steven found this from a Facebook ad. If anyone else comes across similar examples, please send them my way.

May the great power and commanding spirit of the wolf be with you!

"Spirit Guides Native American Style Tomahawk Replica": 

(I also recommend clicking on "Native American Style" on the upper lefthand side to see their other great products)

(Thanks Steven!)